Monday 28 May 2012

Health tips of Potatoes

Today one cannot even imagine vegetables without potatoes. This shapeless and ugly looking tuber, bearing the scientific name Solanum Tuberosum, has cast a spell on us.

The health benefits of potato include the following:

Weight Gain
Potatoes are mounds of carbohydrates and contain little proteins too. This makes it an ideal diet for those lean who desperately want to put on weight.

It facilitate digestion. It is a good diet for patients, babies and those who cannot digest hard food but need energy. Raw potatoes has considerable amount of fiber or roughage than in boiled ones.

Skin Care 
Vitamin-C and B-complex and minerals like potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc in potatoes are good for the skin. It helps in curing pimples and spots on the skin.

 It helps to prevent this dreaded deficiency disease, caused due to the lack of vitamin-C. It is characterized by cracked lip corners, spongy and bleeding gums and frequent viral infections like cold.

Vitamins, calcium and magnesium in potatoes helps to give relief from rheumatism. It may increase the body weight which can have adverse effects on rheumatic people.

It relieves inflammation of intestines and the digestive system. It is a very good diet for those who have mouth ulcers. Raw smashed potato can be applied to relieve external inflammation and burns.

High Blood Pressure 
Potato can be used to relieve high blood pressure due to tension and indigestion. The fiber present in it is helpful in lowering cholesterol and improves functioning of insulin in the body. 

Brain Function 
It helps in the proper functioning of the brain. Potatoes are high in carbohydrates, and thus maintain good level of glucose in the blood, which does not let the brain fatigue creep in and keeps the brain active and alert.

Kidney Stones 
It helps to prevent kidney stones.

It is an excellent energy-rich diet for those suffering from diarrhea.

It is not good for diabetic patient. Green potatoes are poisonous.

Keywords  - Diarrhea, diabetic patient, poisonous, kidney stones, carbohydrates, indigestion, Inflammation, high blood pressure, lowering cholesterol, rheumatism, Scurvy, Skin Care.

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