Monday 28 May 2012

Health benefits of vitamin D

The main advantage of Vitamin D is fat soluble steroid vitamin. First one is the vitamin D2 or ergocalciferol and vitamin D3 or cholecalciferol. 
Most of the time vitamin D is seen in the food we commonly eat. The foods that are preferred for getting best vitamin D foods are fatty fish, beef liver; egg yolks are the main important types.

Milk has rich source of vitamin D content. Calcium is heavily seen in vitamin D. Without calcium the bone strength will not increase. 

Cereals, orange juices have high vitamin D content. Vitamin D deficiency in children causes rickets which will cause to skeletal deformities.

Vitamin D in adult will cause adult rickets. Vitamin D toxicity is possible so you should intake food in proper way. 

Vitamin D reduces blood pressure and also reduces stress and depression. Vitamin D also reduces muscle pain, body aches, and respiratory infections and helps to improve the health by overall to reduce wrinkles in the face. It helps to make the skin smooth, soft strong and improve cardiovascular strength.

Vitamin D can be absorbed by obtaining exposure to sunlight and also by eating best fish, cod liver oil, milk and eggs. 

The best fresh fruits and vegetables give high vitamin D nutrients in the body.

Vitamin D helps to reduce the overall reduction of cancer. 

keywords: vitamin D, ergocalciferol, milk, egg. 

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