Sunday 13 May 2012

Healthy food will prevent heart attacks

Heart disease is the only disease that spread to both men and women. More than 58.8 million people suffer from this disease. Exercise should be done regularly. One good news to all of them is heart disease can be prevented by taking best measures of eating habits. There are many types of heart disease they are


  • Coronary artery disease
  • Arrhythmias
  • Heart failure
  • Congenital heart disease
  • Heart value disorders 

These diseases can be prevented by adding simple step in daily life 

Fat should be reduced in daily food:
Fats are seen mainly in meat, milk, cheese butter. Even in coconut oil foods the fat are heavily seen. Eating with moderation will not affect the body. If you eat the fat in excess this will create many problems. 

Better to reduce salt:
Salt is the main enemy of heart disease. When you intake too much of salt immediately the blood pressure will move to extent. Salted nuts, canned juice, pizza and ready meals are the main features of Heart disease. 
Check the levels of Bp and cholesterol:
Cholesterol and high blood pressure should be checked regularly .People that has higher Bp will likely to get stroke and heart disease. Cholesterol level should get to lower stage by eating high fiber foods like beans, nuts, fruits and vegetables. 

Check your family history:
If your family history has Coronary heart disease means then you should be aware very strictly. Regular check up and precautions should be taken immediately. 

Reduce stress:
If you have stress problem means avoid stress by moving out with family and friends. Gardening and concentrating on reading or watching movies.

Uncontrollable risk factors:
Family history of having heart disease
If your age is 65 and older
Diabetes mellitus

Keywords: heart attacks, history, family, Gardening

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