Thursday 10 May 2012

Common causes of runny Nose

You have wonder from where this runny rose starts. Here we give you the reason and causing of runny nose and how to fix the problem.

 Hay fever:
If a person has allergy to any substances .It depends on how it reacts It may react so severely or very mild. Hay fever is very close to running noise which is extremely allergic and dangerous. The people who are affected by Hay fever will likely be affected to pollen, pets, and other dust mites. This type of disease will be spread in the summer, spring and fall. They can be treated with nasal sprays. The main a symptom of this is congestion, sneezing, coughing and watery eyes and watery eyes. 

Common cold:
Runny rose will gets affected easily by common cold. When the weather cools down and falls in winter it will affect in any time of the year. The main symptoms of common cold are cough, sneezing, mild fatigue and low grade fever. 

Flu the major cause of viral infection. Pregnant women and seniors will get affected easily by flu. You will get highly infected by runny nose if you flu. The major symptoms of flu are chills, sweats, nasal congestion. 

This disease occurs in nasal passages. In this the nose will become swollen. The main symptoms of sinusitis are difficulty in breathing, Swelling and pain around the eyes and also coughing. The other symptom is the teeth ache in upper jaw.

Keywords: cough, swelling, pain, Runny rose. 

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