Saturday 30 June 2012

How to Reduce Belly Naturally

We all desire to have a flat stomach. You need to consider many things while trying to reduce belly fat. The human body contains fat cells throughout the body. In women after menopause the fat cells tend to collect around the belly region and cause the belly to flab. In men these tissues get collected round the belly and chest region.

If you try to reduce the fat content in the fat cells, your body would take a natural toned look. There are many ways you can reduce fat. You can consider the below tips to do so.

Avoid feeding excess calories to the body:-
We all desire to have a flat stomach. You need to consider many things while trying to reduce belly fat. The human body contains fat cells throughout the body. In women after menopause the fat cells tend to collect around the belly region and cause the belly to flab. In men these tissues get collected round the belly and chest region.

If you try to reduce the fat content in the fat cells, your body would take a natural toned look. There are many ways you can reduce fat. You can consider the below tips to do so.

Avoid feeding excess calories to the body:-
It is the excess calories that get stored as fats in the cell. From the food we eat our body takes up a few calories for performing external actions and a few calories for performing internal function, some calories are used to feed the muscles, tissues and to generate new cells. Anything that is left out is termed as excess calorie and will be stored in fat cells.

You need to be on diet to reduce the amount of excess calorie in taken by food. 

Abdomen exercises will help a bit:-
It is essential to burn off the stored up fat in order to reduce your belly fat accumulation. The only way to burn off the fat is to use the calorie intake and make the body to use the calories from the fat cells to supply your energy needs. Aerobic exercises include speed walking, running, cycling and swimming. These exercises will burn up the calories. Aerobics are far more effective than weight training when it comes to toning the stomach region.

It is estimated that 30-45 minutes of aerobic exercises per day should be your goal.

Eating an all fruit breakfast:-
It is the best way to take fruit breakfast routine to reduce body fat. Citrus fruits are fat burners because of the presence of Vitamin C in them. You can start your morning with a glass of lemon juice and cut fruits.
A healthy diet with a disciplined exercise routine will lose your belly fat and accomplish your desire for a flatter and well toned stomach. You need to eat a diet focused on whole foods rather than refined foods. Whole foods include whole cereals, vegetables, fruits, poultry, fish, white meat and eggs. The processed foods include cakes, milk chocolates, ice-creams, burgers, pizzas, candies, refined flour breads and refined sugar sweets. The processed food is unhealthy and contains a mix of fat and carbohydrates that are generally bad for the body.

Keywords: – How to reduce belly fat naturally, aerobic exercise, whole and refined food.

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