Friday 13 July 2012

Health benefits of oil massage

Oil massage has been a part of the routine of Indian households. It is a keep-fit tradition enjoyed by everyone from babies to great grandmothers. It is an excellent way to combat the stress of modern life. The aim of massage therapies is to completely remove the body ailments and make the body fit and healthy.

The oil massage in the right way helps to release tension. You should follow a warm bath after oil therapy. 

It helps to relax and at the same time rejuvenate the muscles, freshens up the entire nervous system and equips us with the energy to carry out our activities with more vigour. The medicinal and the rejuvenating quality of the oil massage is mentioned in the ancient texts not only that of India, but those ancient medicinal documents of various countries such as Egypt and China.

The benefits of oil massage is listed below

Tones the muscles along with the whole physiology
Helps to keep the joints flexible
Relieves fatigue, aches and pain in the body
Calms the nerves
Increases the circulation
Improves the complexion of the skin by adding luster to it
Improves energy and mental alertness
Promotes deeper and better sleep
Nourishes the whole body, promoting longevity
Increases circulation and provides body tissues with more oxygen.
Relaxes muscles and helps ease stress and tension.
Eases stiffness in joints.
Tones the body keeping it supple and young.
Helps flush out wastes from the body.
Stimulates and tones the skin.
Increases energy and vitality.
Makes you feel good!

Keywords – A Health benefit of oil massage, promotes deeper sleep, relieves fatigue, tones the muscle, flush out the waste from the body.

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