Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Healthy Food for children back from school

When the kids are heading back to school, one of the best things you can do is start them off with a healthy breakfast. But we know that sometimes the chaos of trying to get them out the door in the morning makes this a challenge. So we created this breakfast with that in mind.

Bread Toast

Fill the bread with baked potato paste and toast them in a bread toaster. Potatoes are widely liked by kids. This will be a perfect food for the children.

Dosa with coconut paste

Children love to have dosa. It is very easy to make. It is rich in protein. Try dosa for kids.

Cornflakes with milk

Mix cornflakes in boiled milk. Serve them a bowl full with spoon. It is highly valued and nutritious. You can add fruits to cornflakes.

Mini chappatis with tomato curry

Make mini chappatis and serve this with tomato curry.

Always make a variety in breakfast. Don't repeat the same thing repeated continuously. Find out what they like most.

Keywords – healthy breakfast tips for kids, Bread Toast, Dosa with coconut paste, cornflakes with milk, mini chappatis with tomato curry.

Monday, 30 July 2012

Why is it important to keep calm under pressure?

A working woman get worn and stressed out under pressure. They have more work related issues and duties at home. They need to rise very early in the morning and do all works to make sure the family is ready for school. They are then ready to face the complains about something in the office. To remain calm is not that easy. 

It is very important to remain focused and calm under pressure if you need to reach any set goals.
You need to find a better way to solve a problem. When you are stressed out you find yourself burying in misery. When you are calm under pressure your mind has enough space to think for a solution.

When a person is panic the situation can cause more harm. A person turns to for a solution if he or she is calm and collected.

It has been shown that constant stress can lead to various conditions such as migraines, stomach ulcers and even depression. If you learn to cope and adapt when under pressure, you will eventually gain more knowledge and grow stronger as a person.

Keywords – Why is it important to keep calm under pressure, working woman having work related issues and duties at home, learn to cope and adapt under pressure.

Saturday, 28 July 2012

Simple ways for a healthy lifestyle

Healthy life style includes maintaining healthy weight and eating healthy food and doing exercises. Even moderate activities like gardening and walking make a huge difference. Adding movement to your life can

  •          Reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes
  •          Help maintain flexibility as you age
  •          Maintain bone mass
  •          Prevent fractures
  •          Improve mood and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression
  •          Improve memory in elderly people
  •          Reduce stress

Even a 10% weight reduction helped to reduce blood pressure, cholesterol and increase longevity. You can turn off the TV once a week and do something more physical with your family. Do more walking as it improves blood circulation to the brain and other parts of the body. You can do some cleaning and moving while on phone.

Eat more fruits and vegetables in your daily diet. Eat low fat and fat free dairy. Have only skimmed milk as it reduces fat consumption.

Keywords -  Simple ways for a healthy lifestyle, reduce stress, drink skimmed milk, improves blood circulation, more physical activity turn off the TV once a week.

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Cumin Excellent Health Benefits

Cumin is the most popular spice in the world with lots of health benefits inside. This cumin seeds grow under very hot climate. This seeds are used in cosmetics and also act as a good medicine. This cumin is used in many delicious dishes. 
 This cumin is used as a good source to increase the blood level. Those who are suffering from les blood can intake good amount of cumin. 

This healthy spice is used to maintain the healthy digestive system. To get rid of heavy stomach disorder one can intake cumin seeds for great relief. 

This spice is used to increase the rate of heart beat in a regular away and increase metabolism. Cumin has good healthy effect by decreasing the induce of cancer in the body. 

Kidney and liver functioning are increased by in taking the right cumin level. Asthma patients can intake the right amount of cumin to get rid of heavy infections and diseases. 

Keywords: Kidney and liver functioning, heavy infections and diseases, to increase the blood level, heavy stomach disorder, cosmetics and also act as a good medicine.

Monday, 23 July 2012

6 Ways To Get Rid Of Hiccups

Hiccups can occur common when a person drinks a lot of alcohol or it also affects the people who have eaten food more. Here are the popular tips to get rid of hiccups. 
Breathe into the right paper bag:

Take a brown paper bag and breathe heavy to get rid of hiccups. Start blowing for 10 times y covering eth mouth in the paper bag. 

Drink water from the other side of the cup:

A very simple trick. Fill a half cup of water and hold eth cup right side down and drink the water gradually. Drink as much of water that you can and it will stop  gradually.

Eat a teaspoon of sugar:

When such happens eat a teaspoon of sugar and drink water immediately to get rid of this trouble. Moisten the sugar from your mouth and drink water faster. 

Hold your breathe for some time:

 It is good to hold your breathe for sometime. Make your self comfortable by holding the breathe for 10 seconds. 

Ice water gargle:

Gargle ice water in your mouth for some time to get rid of heavy hiccups. Don’t swallow ice cubes beware of this process.

Massage your mouth:

It is good to massage your mouth after you have hiccups. This will immediately stop the vagus nerve and help to stop diaphragm. 

Keywords:  massage your mouth, vagus nerve and help to stop diaphragm,sugar and drink water immediately to get rid of this trouble,brown paper bag and breathe heavy

Saturday, 21 July 2012

Best Way To Develop EQ

Every one must have Intellectual Ability (IQ) to lead a wealthy life. As same as, Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is also ranks the same position as IQ, which is important to survive in the world. Truly speaking, Emotional Intelligence lends the hand to improve the stronger relationships, succeed in their work and also obtained your career and physical goals. 

So first of all learn about the EQ and also its vital importance in your life. Emotional Intelligence is the greatest task to identify, use, understand and manage emotion or feeling circumstances in positive ways to reduce stress, communicate effectively, identify with others, face challenges and disseminate the sorrows. This Emotional Intelligence will surely show difference features in your daily life. 

One who improved the EQ then one’s life will get change in one’s behavior and the way you interact with others. The key factors of the EQ’s are self awareness, self management, social awareness, and maintaining good relationship with others. With the lacking of Emotional Intelligence one has to face the following problems in the concern such as your performance at work; weaken the physical health; upset mental health; and break the relationships.  

Hence it is time to know how to develop the Emotional Intelligence in everyone’s life. To increase the power of Emotional Intelligence and your decision making abilities for that you need to control the emotional side of your brain. There are five key points to develop the Emotional Intelligence to improve your skills. 

  • You can able to reduce the stress very soon
  • You can identify and manage your emotions
  • You can able to fix with the good sense of nonverbal communication
  • You can easily increase the humor sense
  • You can able to solve the problems positively and confidently 
keywords: best healthy tips, health care, tips to improve EQ, EQ, IQ, how to improve EQ, keyfactors of EQ, Emotional Intelligence 

Wheat Germ Oil Health Benefits

This wheat germ properties have lots of benefits like lowering the cholesterol and control excess fat in the body. This wheat germ oil is used to make the ideal properties like anti cholesterol diet.

In this Wheat germ oil lots of vitamin E in which it acts likes an antioxidant with natural benefits.

It acts like a main antioxidant to enhance the activity.To is used to eliminate free radicals. It also increases the HDL and good cholesterol that helps to make the unsaturated fatty.

 Wheat germ oil is used to consume the food by raw itself without changing by cooking. It has essential fatty acids like palmitic acid, oleic acid and linoleum acid. 

This will help to keep cardio protective properties. Wheat germ oil can be added with bread waffles, cereals, cookies and milk shakes.

 To get best healthy hair and also to get rid of split ends. It is also used to prevent blood clot in your skin to get rid of heavy damage. 

Keywords: consume the food by raw,Wheat germ oil,lowering the cholesterol and control excess fat,vitamin E in which it acts likes an antioxidant.